We divided the large group into 4 small sub groups to prepare experiments and recommendation for testing in the field (step 5) In this picture you'll see the whole flow:
Way of working during the preparation of the experiments in the fieldAfter presenting the 10 best practices (methodologies) to the whole group, we gave space to each member to chose/ select their preferences. Based on that we formed 4 thematic subgroups to further dive in the best practices and come with recommendations how we could test these in our Oxfam Novib complex projects.All processes of the best practices have a strong link to practice, where people participate because the learning can be more easily applied, and where learning can be fun and exciting as opposed to just an activity. In each of the examples, the knowledge product from learning is important (a report, proposal, presentation), but equally important is learning that happens during the collective conversations, through critical reflections, in safe spaces.Most participants expressed their preferences for multiple examples, but then, zeroed down on one or two, which then became the basis for constructing 4 learning sub-groups with each 4 members and 1 facilitator. Here you,ll find the chosen topics for sub groups.
Each learning group met at least 4 times over 2+ months, with a gap of 3-4 weeks. Schedules were kept flexible to allow prior/ other work commitments and days/ times were negotiated together.