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Youth influence, going Ushahidi – Afrikadag 2015

Afrikadag 2015 was a great success. More than 1000 visitors where present at the KIT in Amsterdam. We where pleased to have Emmanuel Oluka (Cew-it) over from Uganda to provide the workshop about Youth Manifesto, together with colleagues from Movisie and Jongeren Platform (Amsterdam East). In the workshop Emmanuel presented Youth Manifesto, the way of working, how it is implemented in Uganda and how Ushahidi as a digital tool can help mobilise youth. Mellouki Cadat (Movisie) together with Redouane Amine, Shahrzad Nourozi and Carin Boersma explained how this social solution is implemented in Brazil and The Netherlands (Jongestemmen) according to the E-motive approach.

The interaction with the audiences was super. One of the reactions linked to the different approach in the countries: "It is not about technology, but choosing the right way of connecting with youth." Ushahidi is a great tool that can be used to connect with youth, and let them speak out, but for example in Brazil they choose a different, more offline approach.

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