Education for Life (BRICE project)
Education for Life (BRICE project)
Education for Life (BRICE project) is a 4 year EU funded Oxfam project that supports learners, teachers and Education systems becoming more resilient in South Sudan(SSD) and Uganda. This project is aimed at improving and strengthening the non-formal and formal education system, targeting teachers and educators in Uganda refugee settlements and South Sudan communities.
The European Union is financing Oxfam and its consortium partners to the tune of 5,587,375 Euros (about 25b UGX) ) to implement this project aimed to reach 32,600 Learners, 815 Teachers, and many other stakeholders among Parent Teacher Associations (PTA), School Management Committees (SMC) as well as South Sudanese and Ugandan communities.
The project will work in Palabek Settlement, Lamwo District in Uganda, and in Emotong State, greater Kopoeta and Central Equatorial State in South Sudan. Among others, the project will provide more robust and continuous support to teachers through the Teachers and Educators Professional Development (TEPD) approach where ideas are adapted through experimentation and reflection and trainings, teachers will learn to respond to needs in conflict and crisis contexts.
Why does the project focus on education?
Here are some facts and figures:
- Each additional year of schooling increases earnings by up to 10 per cent for individuals in general (20 per cent for women).
- A child whose mother can read is 50 per cent more likely to live past the age of five.
- According to the World Bank, the risk of war is reduced by 3 percentage points each time 10 percentage points more children go to secondary school.
- Each year of education reduces the risk of conflict by around 20 per cent.