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Improving safety for learners and teachers at school in Uganda

Exchange facilitating

On a 10-day visit in Kenya the learning group of Uganda visited:

It was a full programme with meetings, lectures, and seeing in practice. Each initiative has different approaches for their local challenges. This made the visit a rich experience in which the group learned many new insights and knowledge to tackle their own local challenges.

Have a look at:

Learning report Kakumavisit

This report tells about the learning results of Uganda team from EMAP, Girls Shine program, Remedical Education Program and RESI. At the end of the report, an action plan after the learning visit is presented.

Key learning outcomes:

  • Include social psycho support in AEP curriculum instead of an extra curriculum activity (IRC)
  • Strengthen PSS and emotional wellbeing of girls for self actualisation (IRC)
  • Training of patrons/ matrons to create (young) men role models as champions for change (IRC)
  • Collection of Women’s voices and shared with male champions (IRC)
  • VSLA (saving and loan system) training and toolkits for CPCs to create income (IRC)
  • Use of remedial classes for slow learners; Grading of learners according to competences; Use of digital data system to monitor enrolment, attendance and performance – follow up ;Use of incentive teachers to teach remedial classes; Use of community mobilizers as contact persons in tracking and making follow up on learners (Windle)
  • Formalize club structures in timetables (Windle)
  • Youth skilling: Establishment of youth centres supporting digital skills training for youth employability & business enhancement (NRC- RESI)
  • Provision of separate classrooms for AEP learners (NRC)


Olara Aggrey, chair person Child protection committee, Palabek Uganda

I never thought that women saving groups could play such an important role in child protection and safety for women, Thanks to IRC we will copy paste and implement their toolkits for saving and loan system.




Susan opok, CEO FAWEU Uganda

I'm so impressed by the impact of the Windle,s girls follow-up system; we would like to implement their use of digital data system to monitor enrolment, attendance and performance girls in schools.




 Calvin Opio, education coordinator AVSI, Palabek

I cannot believe how NRC/ RESI is skilling young refugees in such a way that they have increasing income within 3 months, we as AVSI for sure will work on this to implement such a skill program for our young refugees.